ncoa201015.docx (DOCX, 63 KB)
Council Adult Social Care Committee) and Jean Wilson (Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes)In Attendance: Amanda Bell (Age UK Norfolk), Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind) ... taking place on 26 October 2015. Equal Lives would have a presence and he encouraged other members to attend to ensure their voices were heard. The Chief Executive reported that a paper (Establishing a VCSE
DI Jan 2025.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)
checked and updated if necessary. Staff team to update CLOG. Update CLOG with training events attended in the ‘Clubs and Clinics’ section. If group emails are being sent, the volunteer’s email address ... Round up Meetings. We aim to hold these 3 times a year. It is expected that active volunteers will attend at least 1 meeting a year and engage in Age UK Norfolk volunteer community. All training will be
Gifts, Tips, Legacies and Anti-Bribery Policy.pdf (PDF, 548 KB)
accepted: The service user or other individual should be advised that Age UK Norfolk does not allow individuals to receive monetary gifts/tips and in order to show appreciation a one-off or regular ... or Trustee or volunteer who receives a gift or wins a prize at an external event that he/she is attending in his/her official capacity, tickets for which gift or prize have not been purchased by the participant
Digital Inclusion Manual V2 June 2024 (002).pdf (PDF, 472 KB)
checked and updated if necessary. • Staff team to update CLOG. • Update CLOG with training events attended in the ‘Clubs and Clinics’ section. If group emails are being sent, the volunteer’s email address ... Round up Meetings. We aim to hold these 3 times a year. It is expected that active volunteers will attend at least 1 meeting a year and engage in Age UK Norfolk volunteer community. All training will be
Policy 04 Complaints and Adverse Comments Policy and Procedures..pdf (PDF, 572 KB)
the heart of what we do. We see our complaints process as a positive tool in improving standards, allowing us to learn from people’s experiences of our services and we consider feedback from service users/customers ... arrangements are made with all parties for the appeal to be heard. The complainant will be invited to attend and will be informed that if they so wish they can be accompanied by a family member, friend or representative
ncoa190716.docx (DOCX, 58 KB)
Carole Williams (Co-opted Member) and Jean Wilson (Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes) In Attendance: Cassandra Andrews (Age UK Norfolk), Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the ... Older People’s Forum)The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting including Linda Heanue who was attending her first meeting of the Norfolk Council on Ageing (NCoA). The Chair read out a number of itemsrelating
NOPSPTermsOfReferenceSept2019.pdf (PDF, 133 KB)
join or feed into the Partnership’s working groups where appropriate. If members are unable to attend a Partnership meeting they should nominate a substitute with the authority to represent their agency ... salaried agency representative. Vice-chair(s) will receive an 4 involvement fee and expenses when attending Partnership meetings. Representatives of the older people’s forums, the Norfolk Council on Ageing
Health & Safety Handbook June 21.pdf (PDF, 815 KB)
obtained from the General Drive. Completed form must be submitted to a member of the management team. attend any health and safety training course as requested observe all procedures for processes, materials ... near miss is an unplanned event that does not cause injury or damage but could do so should it be allowed to reoccur. A work-related illness is a prescribed illness that is obtained by an employee through
Feb 2025 Diary dates( 4th Feb version).pdf (PDF, 2 MB)
opportunity to improve wellbeing, try something new and meet others in a safe environment. Free to attend, but booking is essential. Click on the link below to go to the website page. There is more information ... opportunity to improve wellbeing, try something new and meet others in a safe environment. Free to attend, but booking is essential. Click on the link below to go to the website page. There is more information
ncoa290415.docx (DOCX, 55 KB)
Member), Pat Wilson (Norfolk and Norwich Pensioners Association / Norfolk Older People’s Forum)In Attendance: Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind), Helen Chapman (Age UK Norfolk) ... The Chair referred to the appointment of three new Trustees and welcomed Mr Dickinson who was attending his first NCoA meeting. Also appointed recently were Mrs Williams and Mr Robinson. The Chair