Guide to our Services S..pdf (PDF, 1017 KB)
fundraising to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through
September 2024 Diary Dates( 27th Aug version).pdf (PDF, 3 MB)
Centre for their members and visitors. ▪ Tuesday 17th September 10.30am to 13.30pm. We will be attending the Dementia “Mini Positivitea Event” open to the public at Holt Library ▪ Thursday 19th September ... opportunity to improve wellbeing, try something new and meet others in a safe environment. Free to attend, but booking is essential. Click on the link below to go to the website page. There is more information
NF4 Keeping safe in Norfolk.pdf (PDF, 273 KB)
or your place of work if costing more than £42. The trader must give you a cancellation notice, allowing a 14-day cooling off period. It is a criminal offence if they don’t do this and Trading Standards ... who are living in fear of crime. Guiding crime victims through practical matters, such as court attendances, insurance claims, and legal and financial issues is also part of their role. For information,
IDN785 Guide to our Services 04.19.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)
fundraising to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through
Age UK Norfolk Annual Review 2021.pdf (PDF, 920 KB)
or iPad and the loan of a device for a 12 -week period. In addition, with the closure of many attendance-based groups and clubs across the county, we launched a new on-line platform, engAge, in November
2019-NFK 4 Keeping safe in Norfolk.pdf (PDF, 334 KB)
or your place of work if costing more than £42. The trader must give you a cancellation notice, allowing a 14-day cooling off period. It is a criminal offence if they don’t do this and Trading Standards ... who are living in fear of crime. Guiding crime victims through practical matters, such as court attendances, insurance claims, and legal and financial issues is also part of their role. For information,
ncoa180717.docx (DOCX, 742 KB)
Carole Williams (Co-opted member) and Jean Wilson (Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes)In attendance: Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind), Tom Humphries (The Matthew ... representative on the NCoA for Norfolk County Council Adult Social Care Committee. Cllr Sands was unable to attend today’s meeting but had suggested meeting with the Chief Executive and Chair in his new role. The
NFK 4 Keeping safe in Norfolk July 2019.pdf (PDF, 352 KB)
or your place of work if costing more than £42. The trader must give you a cancellation notice, allowing a 14-day cooling off period. It is a criminal offence if they don’t do this and Trading Standards ... who are living in fear of crime. Guiding crime victims through practical matters, such as court attendances, insurance claims, and legal and financial issues is also part of their role. For information,
ncoa190416.docx (DOCX, 59 KB)
Institutes) and Pat Wilson (Norfolk and Norwich Pensioners Association / Norfolk Older People’s Forum) In Attendance: Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind), Willie Cruickshank (Norfolk
norfolk factsheet 4.pdf (PDF, 871 KB)
or your place of work if costing more than £42. The trader must give you a cancellation notice, allowing a 14-day cooling off period. It is a criminal offence if they don’t do this and Trading Standards ... who are living in fear of crime. Guiding crime victims through practical matters, such as court attendances, insurance claims, and legal and financial issues is also part of their role. For information