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Find out more about our Telephone Befriending service and the volunteer roles available

"We get on so well even though I’m 91 and she is in her 20’s. I make her laugh and she makes me laugh too. We talk about all sorts of things; houses, TV, gardens. I think she’s lovely and I do look forward to our chats”

- Telephone Befriending Member

There are estimated to be 38,000 lonely older people in the county over 65 years of age and statistics show that loneliness can be just as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Our volunteers make a huge impact by providing a friendly weekly call to an older person (or people as volunteers may choose to call more than one) in Norfolk. Sometimes our volunteers are the only people the older people talk to all week.

One volunteer, Mick, aged 80 said, “Loneliness is a terrible thing and if you are lonely and can call another lonely person, you could both benefit.”                          

Browse our current Telephone Befriending Volunteer Roles below:

Befriending Assistant Volunteer Role

Befriending Volunteer Role

Contact us for more information

For more information about volunteering with Age UK Norfolk, call us on 01603 785 210 or email