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Week for Walking 2020

Published on 19 August 2020 01:27 PM

Staying active has a whole host of positive benefits, not only is it good for you physically but it’s great for your mental wellbeing too! Did you know that something as simple as walking can improve self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue? (1)

That’s why this September, we’re launching our brand new ‘Week of Walking’ Challenge, encouraging everyone to get active and put their best foot forwards. Whether it’s doing laps of your garden, your first ever 5k around your local park or a long Norfolk coastal walk, there are plenty of ways to get involved for people of all ages and abilities!

The Week of Walking Challenge 2020

2020 has been a challenging year so far for many of us and after spending the first part of the year in lockdown and many of us shielding for much longer, we wanted to take the opportunity to encourage as many people to get active and walking on 21st-27th September.

Age UK Norfolk hasn’t escaped these challenges either; although we’ve been able to continue providing our vital services for older people ( including our Information and Advice Help Line, Advocacy Services and Telephone Befriending) we have suffered crucial financial losses from the temporary closure of our charity shops in Dereham and King’s Lynn due to COVID-19.

So we’re asking you, when you pull on your comfy walking shoes and get striding this Week of Walking, to consider getting sponsored in aid of Age UK Norfolk for your efforts and walk your way into wellbeing while supporting a great local cause.

How to get involved

It’s easy peasy, simply head out for a walk between 21st and 27th September. If you’d like to raise funds for Age UK Norfolk at the same time, you can set up a fundraiser via our JustGiving Page or download our sponsorship form and send us your donations.

We’d love it if you could document your walks and share them with us, you can tag us on social media and use #WeekOfWalking2020

Useful Resources

Walking for Health have some useful articles on their website including:

Guidance for walking during COVID-19 

Guidance for walking with health conditions 

Follow us on Social Media

Facebook: @ageuknorfolk     Twitter: @ageuknorfolk     Instagram: @ageuknorfolkofficial

For more information, please contact our Fundraising Team on 01603 787 111 or email


Image:<a href="">Walk Cycle Vectors by Vecteezy</a>.