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Notcutts spreads festive cheer for Age UK Norfolk

Published on 04 December 2018 09:56 AM

Notcutts garden centre in Norwich have been busy spreading festive cheer with two special charity flower arranging events. Throughout November, Notcutts have welcomed over two hundred people through their doors for the events which featured demonstrations from Andrew Grisewood and Jonathan Moseley and have so far raised over £3,000 for us at Age UK Norfolk.

Attending the most recent event, were Notcutts board members Nicky Dulieu, Nick Burrows, Brian Laxton , Julian Herbert and Caroline Notcutt along with Hilary MacDonald our Chief Executive at Age UK Norfolk and Jeffrey Prosser, our Chair of Trustees at Age UK Norfolk, who spoke at the event to share our work, including how we have helped to increase the income of older people in Norfolk by over £7M, through applications for welfare benefits, in turn boosting the Norfolk economy.


Hilary MacDonald, our Chief Executive at Age UK Norfolk, said, “We’re thrilled that Notcutts have chosen us as their charity of the year and have been so committed to raising funds for us and supporting our work, including hosting a pop up dementia café for us earlier in the year. We are incredibly grateful to them for their hard work and fundraising efforts; every penny really does make a difference and helps us to make Norfolk a great place to grow older.”

Richard Greenacre, General Manager at Notcutts in Norwich said, “It’s been a real pleasure to work with Age UK Norfolk and host our charity flower arranging events – which are always incredibly popular – in aid of the charity. We’re aiming to raise over £10,000 and we’re already busy planning more events for the New Year.”

If you were unable to attend the events but would like to make a donation to us at Age UK Norfolk, you can do so by visiting the donate page on our website or by calling our office on 01603 787 111.