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Get your winter finances in order

Published on 14 December 2018 09:29 AM

Get your winter finances in order to make sure you’re receiving all that you’re entitled to and you’re on the best tariff for you:

•  Consider switching energy supplier. There are lots of energy companies and tariffs to choose from. Watch out for extra charges, and check how long special offers or discounts run for to get the best price. Our free factsheet, Switching Energy Supplier has useful information.

•  Claim all the benefits you’re entitled to. As well as a Winter Fuel Payment, you may also be entitled to a Cold Weather Payment and the Warm Home Discount on your electricity bill if you receive Pension Credit. Use this online benefits calculator to find out what you are eligible for.

•  Make sure you’re not missing out on any benefits or discounts you’re entitled to; with fuel costs rising, many of us worry about paying our energy bills. Call our advice line on 0300 500 1217 to arrange a free benefit check.

 Keeping well in winter isn’t just about keeping warm – it’s important to make sure you eat well too! Following these three steps can help you during the colder months:

  • Make sure you have at least one hot meal day and regular hot drinks.
  • Include a variety of foods in your diet to get the nutrients that you need.
  • Keep basic food items in your cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go shopping.

For more information and advice on keeping well this winter, call the Age UK Norfolk advice line on 0300 500 1217 (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) or email