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Age without Limits Action Day 2024

Published on 14 May 2024 01:02 PM

Back in March, Age UK Norfolk assisted North Norfolk District Council and the North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership to secure a small pot of funding from The Centre for Ageing Better, to host a photography competition centred around age positivity.

The competition invited the public to send in photographs of older people in the district enjoying active lives and participating in their communities.  The winners were announced on the Action Day with an exhibition of the entries launched at a local library and which is now on tour across North Norfolk’s libraries. 

We are delighted to have been included in The Centre for Ageing Better’s update about how Age Friendly Communities celebrated the Action Day – and even more so to see our winning picture headlining the post, a shining example of people in later life enjoying their coastal community!

You can read The Centre for Ageing Better's post to find out how other Age Friendly Communities in the UK celebrated the action day. 

Congratulations to the winners and a huge thank you to everyone who submitted photos and helped to organise the competition.