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Age UK Norfolk tackling loneliness in South Norfolk

Published on 17 September 2024 04:01 PM

Age UK Norfolk is absolutely delighted to have recently been awarded a grant from The Norfolk Community Foundation through the Saracens Norfolk Fund. The fund aims to maintain and strengthen projects that are working within deprived communities and supporting vulnerable people.

For many people in later life, socialising can become harder for a variety of reasons, bereavement, health issues and reduced mobility to name but a few. Age UK Norfolk have been supporting people in later life in Norfolk for over 75 years and loneliness has always been a recurrent theme.

Age UK Norfolk are excited to be launching our FRIENDS project for older people in South Norfolk, providing telephone befriending and face-to-face support to take steps to leave their home and get better connected with their wider community. This could include using public and community transport, help attending local clubs and groups and even walking or cycling.

There are estimated to be 38,000 lonely older people in Norfolk. Loneliness can be as detrimental to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and there is a 50% increased risk of dementia with reduced social contact. 

Age UK Norfolk are grateful to the Norfolk Community Foundation and the Saracens Norfolk Fund for allowing us to tackle loneliness in older people in South Norfolk.


Age UK Norfolk are currently accepting applications for volunteers to the project which is based in South Norfolk. If you’re local to the area, like meeting new people and having a chat, please contact the charity’s volunteer coordinator on 01603 785210 / to learn more about the project.