Contact us
Contacting Age UK Norfolk
Our Head Office is at: Henderson Business Centre, 51 Ivy Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 8BF and you can leave a message for us by calling 01603 787111.
Looking for more information about our services?
Visit our 'Services' page to find out about our range of service for people in later life.
Interested in Volunteering?
Visit our 'Volunteering' page to learn how volunteering can benefit you, the roles we have available and how to apply.
Could you be our next Trustee?
Do you have strategic experience and a vested interest in later life issues? Find out how you can put your skills to use as an Age UK Norfolk Trustee.
Do you have a media enquiry?
If you have a media enquiry, contact our Communications team who will be happy to assist you.
How do I make a complaint?
Visit our dedicated page for information about how you can make a complaint. Alternatively, you can view our Complaints and Adverse Comments Policy and Procedure. To request a copy of our Complaints and Adverse Comments Policy and Procedure, please call our office on 01603 787 111 or email