Walking Befriending

- Location: Age UK Milton Keynes
- Price: Free
Age UK Milton Keynes
Peartree Centre 1, Chadds Lane
Peartree Bridge
United Kingdom
Email: info@ageukmiltonkeynes.org.uk
Telephone: 01908 550700
This free service helps older people who would like to benefit from regular exercise but feel nervous going out by themselves. Our friendly volunteer will visit you at home and walk with you in your local area.
Come for a walk with us, at your own pace, near your home
This free service is for older people living in Milton Keynes who have experienced a significant life event, such as bereavement or illness, which has put them at risk of isolation or loneliness.
The Walking Befriending Service provides volunteer befrienders to accompany an older person on a short walk near their home. By giving encouragement and friendly support, the walking befriender can help people overcome barriers which might be preventing them from being active in later life.
Regain your confidence with us
Walking has been proved to be the safest activity for older people to improve their health. We hope you or your older relative will enjoy getting outdoors with us, especially if they have a long-term health conditions or a disability which is discouraging them from getting regular exercise.
Over 55 years old
Milton Keynes resident
Physical activity: the miracle cure
Research by Sport England shows that as you get older you're far more likely to become inactive: 42% of people aged 55 and over are inactive compared with 29% of the population as a whole. This can be for a variety of reasons, not necessarily directly connected to age and physical ability.
70% of older people are aware of official recommendations for the amount of physical activity they should do every week, but finding out about exercise opportunities is rarely what stops them from being active. Our Walking Befriending Service is aimed at older people who would like to gently increase the amount of physical activity they do every week and would benefit being accompanied by a supportive, patient volunteer.
Volunteers needed
Would you enjoy accompanying an older person on a walk near their home? If you can spare a couple of hours on a regular basis this is a great way to volunteer. Please get in touch with our Volunteering Co-ordinator Tara Bell on 01908 550700.