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Information & Advice Service

  • Location: Age UK Milton Keynes
  • Price: Free
Call 01908 550700 for more info

Age UK Milton Keynes
Peartree Centre 1, Chadds Lane
Peartree Bridge
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01908 550700

Free, confidential and independent information and advice on any aspect of life for people aged 55 and above. We also offer benefit checks and can support you to make a claim.

Community information & advice

We can support you to complete forms, make telephone calls, provide telephone benefit checks and give practical help and advice.

Warm Homes Programme

We are pleased to be taking part in this year’s Warm Homes Programme which aims to help older people who are living in or at risk of falling into fuel poverty.
The programme does this by offering advice on benefits, money and other money related issues, carrying out one-to-one benefit entitlement checks and providing advice on ways to keep warm and well in winter.

Our experienced Community Information and Advice Officers will speak to you or a loved one, and help older people increase their income by supporting them to apply for all the benefits they’re entitled to.

We can also offer advice for ways in which you can keep warm and save energy, discuss Smart Meters, provide free Age UK information guides that may be useful to you or refer you to other local services that may be able to help.

Advocacy service

Ensuring older people are able to represent their own interests and are aware of their rights.

Benefits Calculator

Find out what benefits you are entitled to, quickly and easily, with the personalised benefits calculator - please see link below.

Age UK Factsheets and Information Guides

Our information guides are short and easy to digest, giving an overview of the relevant topic. If you're looking for more in-depth information on a certain topic, our factsheets are longer and more detailed.