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Our services

Our services provide vital support to older people of Milton Keynes.

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Befriending Service

Age UK Milton Keynes service

We offer a free befriending service to lonely or isolated people aged over 55 or above living in Milton Keynes.

Age UK Milton Keynes


Age UK Milton Keynes service

MCST for older people with early dementia

Age UK Milton Keynes

Hospital Aftercare Service

Age UK Milton Keynes service

We can support vulnerable people for up to six weeks after leaving hospital, attending A&E or following a procedure as a day patient.

Age UK Milton Keynes

Information & Advice Service

Age UK Milton Keynes service

Free, confidential and independent information and advice on any aspect of life for people aged 55 and above. We also offer benefit checks and can support you to make a claim.

Age UK Milton Keynes

Long Lunch

Age UK Milton Keynes service

Four-hour social gathering for older people, including a two-course meal, refreshments & activities

Age UK Milton Keynes

Friendship Club

Age UK Milton Keynes service

Sessions provide companionship, light refreshments and entertaining activities

Age UK Milton Keynes


Age UK Milton Keynes service

Two hour sessions for older people with mild to moderate dementia

Age UK Milton Keynes

Independent Living Service

Age UK Milton Keynes service

This service enables older people living in the borough of Milton Keynes to enjoy later life and live as independently as they wish.

Age UK Milton Keynes
