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Get knitting and raise money for Age UK Milton Keynes

Can you help us knit little hats?

We get 30p for every knitted hat as part of the Innocent Smoothies Big Knit

The Big Knit is our partnership campaign with Innocent drinks, where supporters like you knit little hats to go on top of smoothie bottles. Each one of these not only will keep an Innocent smoothie's head warm in winter, but it will also raise 30p for Age UK Milton Keynes.

Please help us reach our target of 20,000 little hats by the end of May 2025.

The national fundraiser, organised by Age UK and Innocent, is back for 2024- 2025. It's time to get out those knitting needles and start knitting!

Once again we are joining in the Big Knit and we're asking you to help us raise vital funds.

Every little hat you send to us is worth 30p! If we reach our target and send off 20,000 little woolly marvels, Innocent will donate a whopping £6,000 to Age UK Milton Keynes, money that will be spent improving later life in our community.

Why not dig out all those scraps of spare wool, or unravel the not-quite-finished jumper, and knit a few little hats. We can also provide you with wool that has been donated to us. Hats can be as straightforward or as difficult as you wish and patterns can be found on our website at or We can also send some patterns out to you if you contact us. Knitting is a great way to keep busy and you can help local older people at the same time.

Please call us on 01908 550700 if you are getting involved. You can post the little hats to us at The Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge, Milton Keynes MK6 3EB or drop them into any of our charity shops. We may also be able to collect bags of knitted hats. Send an email to

Every hat is valuable to us - we count them, bag them and post them off to Innocent so that they can be put on smoothie bottles later in the 2025!

Money raised in Milton Keynes stays in Milton Keynes

The deadline for getting your hats in is 30th May 2025.  You will find all The Big Knit patterns here.

We want to see a world where no one has no one to turn to. By knitting little hats for the Big Knit you’ll be helping us to do this.