Annual general meeting 2019
Published on 02 October 2019 01:43 PM
Our 2019 AGM was held on 26th September
Chairman Sue Graham opened the meeting with a warm welcome to attendees and a look back at the work of the charity over the past year. She introduced Janet Doran who was attending her first AGM as chief executive of Age UK Milton Keynes. Janet said that she was delighted to have joined a wonderful organisation that will enable her to improve later life for the people of Milton Keynes. She thanked the volunteers and staff for their hard work over the past year and said she looked forward to working with them over the next year. Tony Villiers gave an interesting update on the development of LiveLife and the Social Prescribing Service, explaining how it had expanded and was now working with multiple GP practices in Milton Keynes.
He was followed by the Chief Executive of Milton Keynes Council who gave an illuminating overview of the council's finances and confirmed that he and his team are keen to work with the voluntary sector to the benefit of residents of the borough.
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM and for your continued support.