Eddie's Story

An Interview with Eddie
Hi Eddie! How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
"Caring, Outgoing, Social"
What is it you do as a volunteer with Age UK Mid Mersey?
"I run the St Helens Men's Group on a Monday, where about 7/8 men come along to socialise, chat, play cards, drink tea and have fun together"
How did you get into it?
"I've been involved with charities all my life, mainly fundraising. When I retired I was looking for a role where I could engage with people, not just for their benefit but for my own also"
What made you want to volunteer?
"I like to keep busy and I've always been involved with charities, this gives me the opportunity to engage with people and build new relationships"
How long have you been volunteering with Age UK Mid Mersey?
"Since August 2021"
What do you like about it?
"I find it rewarding and benefiting to me, I'm giving back but I also really enjoy the engagement with the group and I've made new friends"
What would you say to someone wanting to become a volunteer?
"I'd definitely recommend it, go for it, give it a try. You'll be amazed how rewarding it is. Seeing the smiles on their faces is rewarding not just for them but for you also.
I think there's a big need for this amongst the older community, the more people we can help with these groups, the happier a place the community will be"