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UK Election Countdown: Age UK Calls for Elderly Care Reforms

Published on 25 June 2024 10:54 AM

As the UK gears up for its general election next week, political parties are making their final appeals to voters across the country.

This election is set to be one of the most pivotal in recent years, among the many voices contributing to the debate, Age UK is calling on the next government to prioritise elderly care.

After speaking with older people across the country, Age UK has produced a new report called ‘A blueprint for improving the lives of older people’. This document aims to inform MP candidates about older people’s priorities and will also help the next Government when it plans its programme in office.

Age UK’s campaign highlights several key areas for improvement:

  • The income security from the Triple Lock staying in place and a reduction in pensioner poverty.
  • A reliable NHS where they can see their GP quickly and get hospital treatment within a reasonable timescale, and decent social care when it’s needed.
  • For the new Government to create a long-term plan for older people and to take the lead in tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by our rapidly ageing population, and for older people's voices to be heard when big decisions are taken affecting them.

Don't forget to vote on 4th July 2024!

To read Age UK's Blueprint