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Elcom's Heartwarming Donation Boosts Age UK Mid-Mersey's Winter Support for Vulnerable Communities

Published on 11 March 2024 11:02 AM

Living Well Officer Holly with one of the Winter Warmer packs received from Elcom

Age UK Mid-Mersey have been the first to receive a generous donation of 50 Winter Warmer Packs from Elcom as part of their collaboration with Age UK. This donation marks the beginning of a concerted effort between Elcom and Age UK to address the critical needs of vulnerable individuals in the community, particularly older people facing challenges during the winter season.

As part of our annual Warm Homes Project, we have been able to actively conduct Home Energy Checks for individuals over the age of 65 providing energy efficient night lights reducing the risk of falls, support to switch to a cheaper energy supplier and apply for grants to help with fuel debt. As well as provide valuable advice and tips on staying warm and saving energy.

In addition to this, we have successfully supported 82 older individuals in claiming a substantial total of £912,600 of benefits such as attendance allowance, including backdated payments, so far this financial year. This accomplishment significantly contributes to the our mission of enabling older people to live well and with dignity throughout the winter.

Elcom's dedication to incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into its business practices aligns seamlessly with Age UK Mid-Mersey's objectives. The generous donation of Winter Warmer Packs from Elcom serves to enhance Age UK's ongoing initiative, offering essential warmth to those particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures. Each Winter Warmer Pack, graciously provided by Elcom, contains size 6-11 socks, a fleece scarf, thermal gloves, and a winter thermal hat, all thoughtfully packaged in a reusable canvas bag.

Rachel McKernan, CEO of Age UK Mid Mersey, expressed her gratitude, stating, "This winter has been especially hard for the older people of Mid Mersey, who have been contending with harsh temperatures in a cost of living crisis, often with fixed and restricted incomes. Too many have had to choose between heating and eating. We have to date supported nearly 100 local people with winter warmth packages this year, and now we can support even more thanks to Elcom’s generosity."

Amanda King, Executive NHS And Government UK & Ireland at Elcom, shared her sentiments, saying, "Helping our aged community is a pleasure, and all too often older people feel invisible, forgotten or that they need to be super self-sufficient. Well done on getting the extra funding to the right people, may many more receive with Age UK Mid Mersey's help and guidance."

This collaboration exemplifies the positive impact achievable when businesses and charities join forces to address pressing community needs.

For advice on how to request a Winter Warmer Pack or other information, advice or support, get in touch with our Living Well Team on 0300 003 1992 or Alternatively you can get in touch via the ‘contact us’ form on our website