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Age UK Merton offers lots of services for older people and their carers.
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Age UK Merton service
The Merton Community Hub is a partnership between Age UK Merton, Merton Connected and Wimbledon Guild. Need help?Contact the Merton Community Hub.We are here to connect you to the support you need in your community.Are you…
Age UK Merton
Welcome to the Age UK Merton Activities page. Here you can find information about some of the various activities, trips, talks, and many more interesting things which we have available for older adults in the Borough of Merton
Happy Feet Footcare is a brand new service which gives you the treatment you need to carry on your daily life without the worry of pain or discomfort.
The Living Well service aims to keep people safe and independent in their homes for as long as possible. We visit people in their homes and provide a holistic assessment around their needs.
Merton Befriending Service is a high quality service dedicated to tackling loneliness and isolation for older people in Merton by assigning friendly volunteers to visit older people in their homes
Free advice about benefits and money, housing options, care, support and more. Giving you the support that you need. Find out how we can help you
At Home with Age UK Merton provides practical help in and around the home for elderly people with a range of needs. We can help with a range of everyday tasks which include housework, making light meals, companionship, shopping, and respite for…
Third party service
In a perfect society, deaf people would be able to readily access mainstream services and have equal opportunities to their hearing peers. However, this is not the case. This is why deafPLUS exists. Our vision is an accessible world for…
Merton Deaf PLUS