IT Support Sessions

Tell me more!
Using brand new technology can feel daunting, but our FREE IT Support sessions can help you make sense of it. From keeping in touch with friends and family through emails to helping with identifying scams, our tech support can help you to feel more confident when using your technology and stay safe while doing so.
Our volunteers give up their spare time to support older people by hosting 1-2-1 sessions at the Elmwood Centre. Our volunteers are on-hand to help with any IT related question to empower you to use your technology independently.
This service is a FREE service and always has high demand, please contact us to pre-book a support session slot by calling reception on 02086485792 before 1pm on the Friday before you wish to attend.
When is it?
Mondays 9:30am to 11:30am (please note that IT support sessions are not fixed on our weekly activities calendar, please call the centre to confirm if the sessions are running and to reserve your space).
Where is it?
Age UK Merton Activity Centre
277 London Road
How much is it?
Our IT Support sessions are completely free!