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ATP team ace their volunteer day with Age UK Merton

Published on 19 June 2024 10:54 AM

ATP superstars volunteer at Age UK Merton

A big shoutout to the amazing volunteers from the ATP group who spent their day making a difference with us a part of their corporate social responsibility.

From belting out tunes with our clients to rolling up their sleeves in the kitchen , these incredible individuals truly brought the energy and passion to the Age UK Merton centre

Lizzie, ATP Volunteer:

"It was great to meet all the clients and spend time speaking to them – we also absolutely loved the dancing and singing and the quiz – a hoot from start to finish, with memories that will last forever.

You have an amazing team and an amazing space at Age UK – what an amazing place for clients to go to and spend the day."

We got so much out of the day itself.  Thank you.