About us

What is Age UK Merton?
Age UK Merton has been assisting older individuals in the local community for nearly seventy years. We offer a range of services both at home and in the community.
Our role is to ensure that older adults can easily
access the advice, support and care they need as they get older.
'Providing High-Quality Guidance and Support Tailored to the Needs of the Elderly in Merton'
Welcome to Age UK Merton, a local, independent charity which supports people aged 50+ in Merton! We are committed to serving over 3,000 individuals throughout the Borough of Merton annually with our helpful staff members. We offer services tailored to older adults' needs, specifically for those aged 50 and above, with some even over 100 years old.
Central to our services is our 'Ask Us Anything' approach, where we focus on each person as an individual. This makes us the go-to place for older adults, caregivers, and partners in health, social care, and voluntary sectors.
We always make sure to provide services that help Merton residents plan for their future. We have initiated several programs aimed at reaching the elderly at the lower age spectrum, while also providing exceptional support for our conventional clientele – those beyond the state pension age.
We have a team of 25 staff and many volunteers who work together to provide services and activities in Merton. Age UK Merton offers many services for older people, such as information & advice, health, activities, dementia support, and home help. We also provide home help to support elderly individuals living at home and befriending services.
Our values
With a strong foundation in place we are seeking to move forward with our three key priorities, improving health and wellbeing by:
1. Providing high-quality advice and practical support - ‘I have access to good advice, information and practical support.’
2. Building social connection - ‘I feel connected socially and emotionally.’
3. Creating opportunities for lifelong active ageing - ‘I am active and independent.’
Check out our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026 to find out how we are working towards changing older people's lives in Merton:
What we do
We provide advice
Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families.
We offer home help
At Home with Age UK Merton provides practical help to enable people to feel comfortable, safe and secure at home.
We befriend
Our volunteer befrienders visit lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to.
We provide activities
Our activity centre has a wide range of activity groups and events, such as lunch clubs and exercise classes, giving older people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.
Equalities and diversity
Age UK Merton is committed to serving all people who live in our community. We recognise and accept that we have a legal and moral obligation to prevent and eliminate discrimination of any form.
Our services are for the benefit of older people irrespective of sex, marriage, civil partnership, ethnic origin, disability, age or perceived age, class, colour, creed, HIV/AIDS status, personal circumstances, nationality, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity.
Some of our services may be targeted at particular groups of people from minority ethnic groups to people with disabilities or other minority groups. Age UK Merton will ensure that all sections of the community are able to access the services provided by the organisation.
We are committed to equality and diversity and through this policy the organisation recognises all relevant legislation Race Relations Act 2003, Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Sex Discrimination Act 1988, Gender Recognition Act 2004, Human Rights Act 1998, Protection of Harassment Act 1997, The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 The Equal Pay Act 1970 (amended 2003), The National Minimum Wage Act 1998, Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, Data protection Act 1998, Equalities Act 2010.
Age UK Merton has been a member of Merton Chamber of Commerce since 2014.