Ageing Well - Out in the City

- Location: Cross Street Chapel
- Price: £0.00
Attendance at the weekly social group is free. Trips and days out carry a charge.
Cross Street Chapel
29 Cross Street
M2 1NL
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0161 833 3944
Our friendly, welcoming group for older LGBT people, 'Out in the City' meets every week for a social catch-up and trips out.
To get in touch, click the link to the Out in the City website and go to the Contact Us tab.
How to join:
New members are always given a friendly welcome so pop-in to the weekly social session to join in. These are held at Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL.
Or contact us for more information.
Latest news:
To see the latest news from the group, including upcoming trips you may be interested in joining, click on the link below to visit the group's blog.