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Don't Cut Care

Published on 14 September 2015 11:00 PM

The Government needs to invest in care for older people.
Please show your support – sign Age UK’s petition.

Day to day tasks that many of us take for granted – like getting dressed, using the toilet, making a meal, or getting to the shops – can be almost impossible for many older people without help. Older people like Peter should be able to live well, not just survive, and the right care and support can help them do this. 

Peter"Until recently, I’d always had good experiences with social care. But now I’m worried that the bottom’s fallen out of the system. The government needs to step in, because at the moment people aren’t getting what they need." 

Things need to change

Right now, more than a million older people are left to struggle by each day without any support. And this number is growing all the time. 

Ferocious cuts to funding for care at home mean that many older people are sacrificing their dignity because they can’t get the support they need. This is because services to help people stay safe and independent at home are mainly arranged by local councils, whose budgets have been severely cut. 

We need your help

The government is about to decide how much money will be spent on care over the next five years. This is our chance to make sure there is enough funding for vital services, so that the millions of older people who need care get the help they deserve. 

Make this a priority for the Chancellor, George Osborne. Sign our petition.