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Supporting Friendships

Published on 09 April 2019 09:00 AM

Supporting Friendships is the latest campaign from our West Kent Befriending Service, which aims to tackle the issue of loneliness among older people here in Maidstone.

The West Kent Befriending Service is volunteer led and offers free face to face visits to its members. Befriending provides companionship, the chance to develop new friendships and opportunities to join in local social activities. Our community events include our Monday Meet Ups, the Talking Bus and the chance to be pampered at SAKS Hair Academy in Maidstone.

The West Kent Befriending Service is a project of Age UK Maidstone and relies entirely on grants and donations to run. ‘Supporting Friendships’ aims to make the befriending service sustainable through a monthly donation program. By committing to giving a certain amount each month, you are ‘giving the gift of friendship’ to a lonely person in need. 92% of our members say the service has made a positive difference to their lives and so it is important for us to ensure the continued delivery of this free service.

We have some fantastic ambassadors on board including: Ann Widdecombe, Julie Derrick (Head Teacher of Invicta Grammar School ), Helen Grant (MP for Maidstone and The Weald), Oliver Monahan (Area Managing Director for Arriva Kent and Surrey). Find out what they had to say about our service.

The Supporting Friendships launch was held on the 5th April at Maidstone Town Hall. We were thrilled with how many people attended and the support for what we do. Read the KM report of the event here.

If you would like to support the cause please visit the website to find the bank details you will need. Your small change each month could make a huge difference to a lonely older person right here in Maidstone.