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FAN Club

Published on 25 May 2018 11:31 AM

Sadly, during May 2018 we had to press the pause button on accepting new clients for our befriending service due to demand and unfortunatly we do not have the man power to support everyone, so Wendy, our befriending services manager, decided to campaign to raise funds to get support.

Wendy's been super busy with her 'FAN Club' campaign, visiting lots of local businesses and spreading the word about the befriending service.


Day 1 - Monday 21st May 2018

Wendy started her campaign by visiting Costa Coffee in King Street, Maidstone. Staff were very welcoming and eager to find out about the 'Fancy a Natter?' sash. Wendy was then joined by volunteer befriender Caitlin who accompanied her to visit Befriending clients Norma and and Michael. 

Day 2 - Tuesday 22nd May 2018

Day two started at Maidstone NHS Hospital in the restuaruant and lounge areas chatting to people awaiting appointments, visiting family, or having a break. Wendy bumped in to our volunteer mini bus driver David and his wife who was happy to gossip all about the Royal Wedding at the weekend. Later on, Karen, our community fundraisier, joined in with the campaign to double the impact. The pair got chatting to Judith in the discharge lounge who kindly donated.

Day 3 - Wednesday 23rd May 2018

Today was very special, thanks to Magda, manager of Finch House cafe and bakery who welcomed Wendy this morning. Wendy met with a lovely lady from Maidstone Borough Council who was interested to hear all about our service and would like to get involved with working together to promote Befriending within Maidstone.  Wendy then spoke with a lady sitting alone who until then was a complete stranger. They discovered they have mutual friends who had recently moved from Maidstone. At the bus stop on the way to Lenham, Wendy met Steph and Ken.What a great couple, now living in France but in Kent to visit family. They discussed children, living in France, the benefits of a motor home and much more. 

Day 4 - Thursday 24th May 2018

Thursday was non stop! Once again we were blown away by our wonderful volunteers giving their time and by the fact that so many people wanted to stop and natter. Wendy and the team spoke to lots of people visiting Mote Park as the weather was nice. It was really great to see how just talking to people can lighten up their day and really inspire positive thinking.

Day 5 - Friday 25th May 2018

Wendy and befriending volunteer Sue arrived at Maidstone Museum cafe to meet those who attend Cafe Culture. This is a monthly drop in session run by Roz for over 65’s to chat over coffee and handle some of the museum artefacts. Wendy and Sue were later joined by Cllr David Naghi, the Mayor of Maidstone who was there to support the Befriending Service as this is one of his chosen charities. In the afternoon, Wendy visited member George, who gets visits from David when he feels like he needs some company. Wendy was a friend of George’s daughter and so he holds a special place in her heart. It was also a chance for her to take some slightly less than professional pictures as you can see!

By day 5, Wendy and her volunteers have raised over £1,100.00. That's incredible.