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Age UK Society Lotteries

The Charity

Promoter: Age UK, (charity no. 1128267) 7th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB, registered charity in England and Wales (1128267), is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission ( under account number 24446 a society lottery which raises funds to support Age UK’s work for older people.

Responsible person: Paul Farmer, 7th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB. The rules for each game can be found at:

To request a copy of the rules by post email or call 0800 849 8198 (Monday-Friday 9am- 5pm, excluding Bank Holidays).

The percentage of proceeds raised and declared as profit from each of the society lotteries promoted in 2024 and the likelihood of winning a prize, can be found below.

Lottery Schemes

The Promoter promoted society lottery draws in three separately branded, society lottery schemes:

  • Age UK Weekly Lottery;
  • Age UK Tuesday Treat,
  • Age UK Raffle.

All proceeds from the Age UK Lottery schemes go to Age UK and all profits are used for the charitable objectives of Age UK.

Age UK Weekly Lottery

The Age UK Lottery raised £8,830,606.00 from ticket sales, with 6.79% spent on prizes; 51.87% spent on expenses; and 41.33% - £3,649,990.63, being used to fund Age UK *; and the likelihood of winning a prize was, on average,1 in 123

Age UK Tuesday Treat

The Age UK Tuesday Treat raised £784,817.00 from ticket sales, with 21.91% spent on prizes; 13.51% spent on expenses; and 64.58% - £506,832.00, being used to fund Age UK *; and the likelihood of winning a prize was, on average,1 in 15

The Age UK Raffle and Superdraw

The Age UK Raffle and Superdraw raised £1,598,754.00 from ticket sales, with 18.76% spent on prizes; 48.6% spent on expenses; and 30.41% - £486,123.53, being used to fund Age UK *; and the likelihood of winning a prize was, on average,1 in 101

*Based on Lottery Submissions made to the Gambling Commission during the 2024 calendar year (% have been rounded)

We're here to help

If you have any questions about the lottery, we'd be very happy to help. Call us on 0800 849 6070 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays) or email us on

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Last updated: Feb 28 2025

Age UK, 7th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB, registered charity in England and Wales (1128267), is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission ( under account number 24446; a society lottery which raises funds to support Age UK’s work for older people.

The responsible person is: Paul Farmer, who can be contacted at the above address. £1 per entry. You must be 18 or over to enter. The % of proceeds raised and declared as profit in 2023 and the likelihood of winning a prize, can be found on the Society Lotteries web page.

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