
Age UK London sends out a monthly e-newsletter to provide updates and information on our latest campaigns as well as news and events from across London's age sector.
You can read each edition below and click here if you would like to subscribe.
February Newsletter
We attended the Winter Fuel Petition hand-in at Downing Street with our friends at Age UK. We attended the launch of a new report, Precarious Lives published by Tonic Housing, which looks at financial and material hardship among LGBTQ+ over-50s in London.
January Newsletter
We launch our Lifting the Lid report. This report is based on information collected through Freedom of Information requests to councils across Greater London. . We remind people to get their winter vaccinations as flu cases are on the increase.
December Newsletter
Wishing our supporters a Happy Festive Season and a Happy New Year. We close our year with news of our reports to be published in the new year. We also urge our readers to stay well over Winter.
November Newsletter
We tell you about the launch of the London Loo Alliance and our how to register for our online Staying Health this Winter event. Christmas is coming so find out about local Age UK's Xmas events near you.
October newsletter
We update you on our London Loos campaign and invite you to our Winter Health Events. We also share Age UK's new branding and adverts with the new strapline "Change the way we age" and we provide further news of the Winter Fuel Campaign action.
September Newsletter
We cover staying well during the Winter months ahead, the Winter Fuel Payments sign Age UK's petition and join in the Silver Sunday events for International Day of Older People on 1 October and hear about our On the Edge campaign.
August Newsletter
This month we provide an update on our Living On the Edge campaign including the first Campaign Advisory Group Meeting. We also publish our Annual Review and Trustees Report including a summary of our year April 2023 to end March 2024. We also include details of Age UK's Winter Fuel Payments Campaign and Petition.
July Newsletter
This month we announce new funding from The National Lottery Community Fund and our first campaign workshop. We provide news of our innovative training session with Bexley Council and our first Age UK's campaign on means testing of Winter Fuel Payments. We provide an update on our Loos campaigns as well as news in brief.
June Newsletter
As we head towards a general election this month we tell you about our first Cost-of-Living listening event as we prepare our work for the launch of our poverty report later this year. We also talk about our Summer Health Event, you can read the Q&A's on health and watch the video.
May Newsletter
In May we mention our shortlisting in the SMK Awards, all the important dates for voting in the July 4th Election whether voting by post or proxy and news of our online Summer Health Event.
April Newsletter
In the April newsletter we encourage people to vote the London Mayor and Assembly Elections and to remember their voter ID. We provide details of our election action pack and highlight the blogs written by the candidates from the four main parties.
March Newsletter
This month we update you on our London Mayor and Assembly Elections activities includings our hustings, the launch of our manifesto and our campaign videos.
February Newsletter
We urge you to vote and provide more details about voter ID needed. News of a new Windrush report from Age UK and news of a new anti-ageism campaign launched by Centre for Ageing Better.
January Newsletter
It's an election year so we look ahead to the London Mayoral Elections including news of our hustings and new voter ID. Sign the petition for Age UK's offline and overlooked campaign and a new Windrush campaign.
2023 Newsletters
December Newsletter
In this edition of our newsletter we review our year and the campaigns we have worked on alongside our supporters and campaigners. We look forward to the year ahead and the London Mayoral Elections.
November Newsletter
This month we bring news that the Mayor has launched his Age Friendly Action Plan for London. We are really pleased to see this happen after many years of campaigning. We share our age-friendly blogs and mention our Winter Health Events.
October Newsletter
This month we launch our poverty report and report back on our attendance at the Cost-of-living conference at City Hall. We invite you to our Winter Health Event and introduce our latest blog.
September Newsletter Part II
This month we bring you our report Older Londoners: the highs and lows of living in the captial. We launch this report ahead of the International Day of Older People, the result of commissioned research carried out with over 1,000 Londoners over the age of 60.
2023 Newsletters
September Newsletter
In September we sent out two newsletters having missed in August. This first newsletter invites our readers to the 50th celebrations of the Freedom Pass and ask you to get in touch if you want to submit a cross-party council motion
July Newsletter
This month we encourage our readers to get involved in the consultation on ticket office closures. We talk toilets and our London Loos campaign and our team go to Westminster.
June Newsletter
This month we look at summer health and how to overcome dehydration during the hot weather despite worrying about lack of toilets! We also give an update about our forthcoming poverty report
May Newsletter
This month we discuss the London Loos Campaigners event where they presented the campaigns in the Boroughs so far and kick off two campaigns in two new boroughs.
2023 Newsletters
April Newsletter
This month we invite you to the latest digital campaign training update on our the online scam survey in partnership with Community Fibre and an invitation to this years David Hobson Lecture.
March Newsletter
This month our CEO speaks about poverty and the over 50's at the GLA Economies Committee and a win regarding Dial-a-Ride hours of operation and and updatee regarding our London Loos campaigners
February Newsletter
This month our support for the Mayor's Pension Credit campaign, pensioner poverty, our digital campaiging workshiop, Voter ID and Age UK's We Cant Wait for Care campaign
January Newsletter
This month the Mayor announces his decision on the pre-9am suspension and we launch our Access Denied: accessing council services without the internet report
2022 Newsletters
December Newsletter
This month our newsletter gives an update on the pre-9am suspension, introduces our Digital Campaigning Training and more.
November Newsletter
This month our newsletter focussed on our pre-9am petition which was handed in by a group of our supporters to City Hall.
2022 Newsletters
October 2022
This month we celebrate our Mind the Digital Gap campaign win
September 2022
This month we launch our London Loos Paper outlining the results of our survey.
August 2022
This month as part of our Mind the Digital Gap campaign we are looking for local Campaign Champions in four boroughs.
July 2022
We share our new report the Dial-a-Ride: From Door to More working in partnership with disability charity Transport for All.
Past newsletters
May 2022
This month we ask supporters to take part in our London Loos Survey and talk about our Spring Booster Campaign.
March 2022
This month, we present you our manifesto for the upcoming 2022 local elections and update you on our London Loos campaign.
February 2022
In this month's newsletter, you'll find an important update on our Mind the Digital campaign.
January 2022
We kick off 2022 with updates on our main campaigns as well as a call to save the 60+ Oyster card for future generations.
August 2021
This month, we give you a bit of an update on our 'Mind the digital gap' report and reflect on the introduction of e-scooters in London.
July 2021
This month's newsletter is a special focusing on digital inclusion. Take a look at our latest report and support our campaign.
June 2021
This month, we mark the one year anniversary since concessionary travel for older Londoners was suspended.
May 2021
This month, we reflect on the results of the latest London Mayoral Election and we give you a bit of an update.
April 2021
This month’s newsletter is a special edition focussing on the upcoming London elections. Show your support for an age-friendly London.
March 2021
This month, we present you two major events that we organised: our Hustings event and our big conversation around Covid-19 vaccines.
February 2021
This month, we report on our Covid-19 vaccine event, give you ways to stay active during this lockdown and introduce our next campaign.
January 2021
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2021. This January, we share some good news around our transport campaign.