
We work hard to push the issues which affect older people into the wider debate through our media work and our wide range of publications.
Click one of the links below to find out more. You can also subscribe to our newsletter with contains news about our campaign work and details of new publications - click here.
For more information on any of these publications, please contact Dee Byrne.
Reports and briefings
Read the report here
Find out about the extent to which public toilet provision in London has declined over the past decade. Lifting the lid: Looking for a better understanding of local authorities and public toilet provision in London a report published following Freedom of Information requests send to all London local authorities.
Manifesto 2024
The London Mayor and Assembly Elections take place on Thursday 2 May 2024. We have launched our Manifesto for mayoral candidates with our asks for the new Mayor.
Changes to landline telephones
The UK’s telephone network is being upgraded, which means that landline services are changing.You can still have a landline in your home, but the technology that powers it will be different. For most, switching over will be straightforward, but some people may need new equipment or support to make the changes. Read the details here.
Reports and briefings
Poverty Report 2023
We launched our second Poverty Report for London Challenge Poverty Week 2023. The report showed that a quarter of Londoners over 50 are living in poverty higher than any other part of England.. This number has increased over the last decade too.
Older Londoners Research
Age UK London commissioned research in 2023 with the resultant report published in September 2023. The research was carried out amongst 1000 Londoners over the age of 60 and covered an array of topics from health and wellbeing to finances, housing and public transport.
Access Denied Report
Age UK London carried out a Freedom of Information request to all 33 London local authorities. A third of councils do not offer access to some services offline. The result are published in our Access Denied: accessing council services without the internet.
Reports and Briefings
Poverty Report
In October 2022 for London Challenge Poverty Week we launched our Poverty Amongst Older Londoners Report.The report reveals that Londoners aged over 50 are more likely to be living in poverty compared the rest of England.
London Loos Paper
We released our London Loos Paper in September 2022 detailing the results of our suvey and our recommendations. This was published alongside three In Focus briefing papers aimed at local authority planners.
Dial-a-Ride Report
Our Dial-a-Ride Report was launched in July 2022 in partnership with Transport for All. It's launch was followed by an event with service users meeting TfL representatives at City Hall. Our recommendations are being reviewed and acted upon by TfL.
London Elections
Our Manifesto for the local elections on 5th May 2022 contains 34 ‘asks’ for local authorities. These asks cover eight areas of action and if implemented will make a significant contribution to making our city more age-friendly.
Reports and Briefings
Mind the Digital Gap
Age UK London’s report on internet use and digital exclusion in London was published in July 2021. The report ‘Mind the digital Gap: older Londoners and internet use during the pandemic’ looks at older Londoners’ internet usage and provides recommendations.
Lockdown Reflections
In June 2020, Age UK London organised a workshop for older people’s BAME organisations to offer them a space to share their experiences of lockdown.
Impact & Trustees Reports
Age UK London's campaigning work positively impacts the lives of older people across the capital, as demonstrated here in our annual Impact and Trustees Reports.
Age UK London Blog
The Age UK London Blog features weekly articles written by senior staff across the age sector, all discussing the biggest issues affecting older people in the capital.
Age UK London sends out a monthly e-newsletter to provide updates and information on our latest campaigns as well as news and events from across London's age sector.
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