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On 16th April 2024, Age UK London held a workshop focusing on Achieving an Age Friendly London. Over 40 people attended, many representing older peoples' forums. Topics included:

Age Friendly London and the new Action Plan - Rosemary Mayes from the London Age Friendly Forum (LAFF) shared the Mayor's Age Friendly Action Plan, launched in November of last year, and how we can support its delivery. Learn how you can support the Age Friendly Action Plan here.

Getting election ready - Campaigns Support Officer Dom Taylor outlined how to ensure your voice is heard on the 2nd May, as well as some new changes to the way we vote - like presenting photo ID when you vote. Find out more here. 

Engaging candidates about the issues that matter - Campaigns Manager John McGeachy guided us through our newly-launched action pack, which details how you can engage candidates ahead of the May elections.

View the full presentation here