Ask Mayoral candidates to commit to making London more age-friendly

On 2 May Londoners will vote for who they want to be the Mayor of London and for Assembly Members from our local areas.
We want candidates to listen and show that they understand the importance of making London age-friendly.
To make sure older Londoners are heard we need to get our age-friendly message across... and we need your help.
We have created an action pack with ideas and templates that will help you get involved in making sure older Londoners voices are heard in the run up to the Mayor of London and Assembly Election on 2 May. You can download your action pack here.
If you are involved in an older persons' Forum there is an action pack for you too which you can download here.
The action pack shows you a number of ways you can get involved including using the age-friendly placard picture above.
Take and share your age-friendly action photo
Step 1. To do this please print the age-friendly action placard.
Step 2. Take a ‘selfie’ of yourself holding the placard. You can ask someone to take a photo of you but if you are asking someone outside of your household please maintain social distancing.
Step 3. Share your photo in one of these two ways.
- If you are on X, please add your photo to a tweet with the following text. "Dear Mayoral candidates, I support an #AgeFriendlyLondon. Will you? Read @AgeUKLondon's manifesto "(We’ll share photos on our @AgeUKLondon X account so please tag us and include the hashtag #AgeFriendlyLondon so we can find your photo).
- Send your photo as an email attachment to us by emailing
We are keen to make a visual demonstration of support for an age-friendly London to the candidates and this includes your photos.
We will share photos emailed or tweeted with Mayoral candidates. So please only share photos if you are happy for them to be used in this way. Under no circumstances will the personal data of anyone appearing on a photo be shared.
Please email if you have any questions about these actions.