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The capital has the UK’s highest rate of poverty for people of pensionable age. Older Londoners are as diverse as any other age group and face significant socio-economic inequalities impacting all aspects of people’s lives.

This year, London Challenge Poverty Week is taking place from 11th to 17th October.

Here are eight facts about poverty affecting older Londoners.

1. London has the UK’s highest poverty rate for people of pensionable age.

2. 24% of Londoners of pensionable age live in poverty (a quarter of a million people). This is a 5% increase since 2017 and 7% more than the rest of England average.

3. The number of people claiming out of work benefits in London over the age of 50 doubled between January and July 2020 to 105,5453.

4. One in 10 Londoners of pensionable age have lived in persistent poverty for at least three out of the last four years.

5. The proportion of Londoners in poverty before housing costs is higher among the 80-84 age group than in any other age group.

6. More than one in three fuel poor households in London include at least one person of the age of 60.

7. One on five pensioners in inner London Boroughs are unable access basic necessities such as a damp-free home, access to a telephone or having hair cut regularly.

8. 4 in 10 older Londoners don’t claim Pension Credit even though they are eligible. That’s over 125,000 Londoners missing out. 

9. Analysis by the GLA Intelligence Unit based on data published by Stat-Xplore at the Department for Work and Pensions