How Does My Money Help Older People?

Age UK London is a charity that campaigns for an age-friendly London
We work closely with the Age UK network and other older people’s organisations in London to engage with older people, decision makers, service providers and public and private organisations in London to ensure that the voices of older Londoners are heard and their issues addressed. We deliver campaigns and projects that improve the lives of older Londoners and we work to tackle the deep-rooted problems faced by the most vulnerable older Londoners.
We work with regional bodies such as the Mayor of London's Office, the Greater London Authority, and Transport for London to ensure that older people's issues are kept at the front of decision-maker's minds.
Our campaigns and projects are guided by the 8 key focus areas identified by the WHO that make an age-friendly city with our current campaigns focusing in particular on: Transport; Housing; and Public Health.
Your gift will help us continue our vital work making London a great place to grow older.
Read our latest Impact Report, detailing the work we did in the last year and demonstarting the impact that has had on older people in London.
Take a look at our past campaigns:
Now more than ever, get your winter vaccines
Published on 17 March 2022 10:04 AM
Our winter vaccines campaign will support older Londoners, including those most at risk from flu and Covid-19.
London Mayoral Elections 2021
Published on 25 January 2022 10:30 AM
The plan to build back London after the pandemic cannot ignore the contribution of older Londoners
Staying active during lockdown
Published on 01 February 2021 03:11 PM
We teamed up with our partners to offer you some alternatives to stay active during lockdowns.
'Now, more than ever - get your free flu jab'
Published on 07 January 2021 10:48 AM
In 2020, our flu vaccine campaign supported older Londoners, including those most at risk from flu & Covid-19.
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