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Age UK London urges next Mayor of London to make the capital an age-friendly city

Published on 01 April 2021 02:19 PM

On Tuesday 30 March, Age UK London hosted its Older Londoners’ Election Hustings 2021. 

The event was an opportunity for mayoral candidates to answer questions from older Londoners about what they would do to make the capital a better place for older people now and for future generations of older citizens.

The speakers at the event were Sian Berry (Green Party), Luisa Porritt (Liberal Democrat), Nickie Aiken (Conservative MP for Cities of London and Westminster representing Shaun Bailey), and Karen Buck (Labour MP for Westminster North representing Sadiq Khan).

You can find a recording of the event on our Youtube page here.

Yesterday also saw the launch of our London Elections Manifesto, which contains 24 actions that the next Mayor of London can do to make our city much more age-friendly. You can read about the Manifesto and download the full version here.

The hustings and Manifesto launch marks the beginning of our work to engage candidates in the issues that matter to older Londoners. Older Londoners are the fastest-growing demographic in the capital and will cast around a third of the votes in the upcoming election. They have also been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have been cut off from friends and family; faced barriers to engaging with vital community services; struggled to access food and essentials; and many have seen their physical and mental health decline.

Keep an eye on our website for election updates and don’t forget the deadline to register to vote is 19th April!