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Help us save free TV for older people!

An older woman sits in her armchair facing the camera

Published on 07 December 2018 11:17 AM

For over a million of the oldest people in our country, television is their main form of company. Right now, that’s under threat. Together, we must take a stand.

The BBC is considering removing the right to free TV licences for the over 75s. If this is allowed to happen, it’s the most vulnerable people in our society who’ll suffer.

How will older people be affected?

Removing older people’s access to TV would be a cruel blow when many are already facing huge challenges.

  • Half of all over 75s are living with a disability, and many rely on their TV for companionship and entertainment.
  • For those who don’t have the internet, TV lets them stay up to date with what’s happening in the world.
  • Nearly of over 75s are living in poverty or just above the poverty line. Paying a hefty extra bill would simply be impossible when they’re barely scraping by as it is.

What can we do to stop this?

Age UK is demanding the Government takes back responsibility for keeping TV free for the oldest people in our society.

Sign the petition here

Because it’s not just a licence. It’s a lifeline.