Comments & suggestions
Complaints Procedure
Age UK Lindsey aims to provide high-quality, responsive and needs led services, promoting the wellbeing of older people 50 and over. In order to ensure this we need to take account of the views and wishes of those we are here to support.
We welcome every opportunity to monitor and improve the services our charity provides and having a ‘Complaints, Compliments, Comments and Suggestion Policy and a clear procedure for resolving complaints is key to doing this.
This policy sets out the “Listen, Inform and Respond” approach that we take to complaints, compliments, comments and suggestions and the procedures we will follow when we receive a complaint from clients of the service, an organisation or a member of the public.
It does not address complaints made by staff or volunteers (dealt with through the grievance procedure) nor job applicants (recruitment procedure).
Anybody who wishes to make a formal complaint can do so either in writing by letter or by requesting, or downloading a copy of the ‘Making a Complaint’ form (below) or by requesting the form in writing from our Head Office at Age UK Lindsey, The Old School House, Manor House Street Horncastle. LN9 5HF.
The form should be completed, signed and posted to our Head Office, marked for the attention of the Chief Executive Officer or click here to send us the form via email
Please note only complaints submitted by letter in writing or on the appropriate form will be treated as a formal complaint, investigated and responded to.