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Keep Connected Project Launch

Published on 19 May 2020 11:08 AM

Vulnerable older people in North Lincolnshire, East Lindsey and West Lindsey, had "fallen between the cracks" and were have found to be receiving little, or no, ‘lockdown’ support when contacted by Age UK Lindsey. 

The local, independent charity has launched a telephone support service called Keep Connected, which is running alongside other innovative ways of showing older people they are being thought of. This has included sending out 100 ‘Thinking of You’ wellbeing packs of basic supplies, as a direct response to the current COVID-19 crisis. 

Working down a list of more than 600 older people who had used Age UK Lindsey services in the past, the Keep Connected Team began to make contact by phone. In the first week its members made 226 calls to people, and directly helped 11 of the most vulnerable – some of whom were in dire need, anxious and frightened.  

Worried by the volume of older people needing immediate help during this restrictive period, Age UK Lindsey has now launched a Crowdfunder campaign with a target of £25,000, which will be used to expand the Keep Connected service. The initiative is being supported by organisations, such as the Lincolnshire Community Foundation. 

With its 10 local charity shops temporarily closed and things not likely to get back to ‘normal’ for some time, Age UK Lindsey hoped people would support the charity in other ways, including giving on their Crowdfunding page, said Chief Executive Officer, Andy Storer. 

Andy highlighted how local charities like Age UK Lindsey were self-funding and reliant on local support and therefore needed to raise the money to enable vital services such as Keep Connected to continue and expand. 

Providing an example of what type of call the Keep Connected team was answering, Andy said one couple were extremely stressed and upset and told the team they ‘dare not leave the house’ as they were self-isolating for 12 weeks, both classed as ‘vulnerable’. 

“The couple was understandably extremely concerned. With a lack of adequate basic supplies, the husband told our caller they had been told not to leave home but there were no relatives or neighbours to help them. Thankfully, we were able to arrange for support to be provided,” he said. 

“Like many organisations, we have had to adapt and change the services we are currently providing. As a result, we launched our Keep Connected service and through the phone checks we are making and other things we are doing, it is clear there is a real need for continued support for vulnerable older people. We are now contacting people regularly and would like to grow this service, especially as vulnerable older people are likely to need support for some considerable time to come” added Andy. 

To support Age UK Lindsey, a local charity supporting older people across the whole of East Lindsey, West Lindsey and North Lincolnshire, raise its target of £25,000 and expand the Keep Connected service for vulnerable older people, please go to: 

Please help us to support older people during the coronavirus crisis

Keep Connected is our new service, launched in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our aim is to ensure that no older person is left lonely, isolated or confused by the crisis. Your donation will help us to reach more people, make more calls and ensure that those most at risk in our area can Keep Connected.

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