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Coffee Morning

Published on 02 January 2020 10:35 AM

THE Christmas bells were ringing at Age UK Lindsey's Horncastle coffee morning as scores of regulars gathered for the final meet of the decade, before a winter sabbatical and relaunch in the spring.

Started eight years ago, the coffee morning has proven to be an important part of community life, with regular visitors attending each Thursday to enjoy coffee, tea, biscuits and homemade cake.

As the year 2020 dawns, changes are afoot at the popular weekly social event as volunteers currently running the meeting are moving on to pastures new and, until the new team of volunteers are ready to go, there will be a short break until the spring months arrive.

Held at the community centre, in Manor House Street, the coffee morning is also a haven for members of a weekly Pilates group, who head down the hall for their post-exercise cuppa and catch-up.

Tina Judge said: “We’ve really bonded as a group and we will miss the ladies running the coffee morning - they have been superb.

“I particularly like that there are different age groups here.”

Come rain or storm, regular visitor Maggie Anderson has been each week for the last eight years. She said: “I’m disappointed to see it go. I volunteer at a coffee morning at the Methodist church and we're so busy we don’t get time to chat - coming to this coffee morning means we get our own break and meet friends.

“Nobody is ever alone at this event. If someone is sitting on their own, one of the ladies always goes over to chat and encourage them to join in.”

Age UK Lindsey CEO Andy Storer said: “I very much appreciate the commitment and dedication of volunteers Angela, Sue, Janice, Jenny, Mary and Annie to the older people and families who attend the coffee morning. We wish them all the best.”

The Age UK Lindsey team is on the lookout for volunteers willing to help at the popular group, when it relaunches in the spring. Coffee mornings are an important part of the community, bringing friends and acquaintances together over a hot drink. The future of the Horncastle coffee morning is to play an important role in raising much-needed funds to expand the befriending service, ensuring Age UK Lindsey continues to offer a way to combat loneliness to people in later life.