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Summer Festival

Published on 27 June 2018 09:53 AM

Age UK Lindsey has once again celebrated later life at their annual Summer Festival which took place on Tuesday 12th June. 

Bringing together local businesses, service providers, entertainment and the charity’s own core services helped to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for visitors from across East and West Lindsey and North Lincolnshire.  

As in previous years, the Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa provided a stunning venue for the event; providing delicious lunches and excellent facilities for visitors to try out new sports designed especially for older or less mobile participants.

Andy Storer, Chief Executive Officer said: “It’s been a fantastic celebration of everything which makes Age UK Lindsey great.  Everyone enjoyed the day, and the charity is proud to be at the heart of such a wonderful event, all in the historic setting of the Petwood Hotel.  The day was organised really well and I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers who put real effort, time and energy into supporting the event.”

Following this year’s theme of ‘health and well-being’, the event was launched with a lively demonstration of chair-based exercise with Gill Hodgson.  Active Lincolnshire continued to get everyone moving with walking football, walking netball and bowls.

Age UK Lindsey was pleased to have been joined by a number of service providers, all of whom were able to provide visitors with information to enable them to make the most of later life. 

For 2018 entertainment was provided by Tara Stafford-Allen, who in the morning delighted the audience with a medley of hits from the fifties and sixties, and then had everyone joining in and dancing to some classic Abba hits in the afternoon.

The festival was kindly sponsored by Active Lincolnshire, Streets Chartered Accountants and Wilkin Chapman LLP, and generously supported through One Stop Carriers for Causes funding. 

Age UK Lindsey would like to extend their thanks to everyone who supported the festival: Tara Stafford-Allen and Gill Hodgson; the Petwood Hotel; stallholders; service partners; staff; volunteers; sponsors and of course the visitors.