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Community Champions

Published on 13 December 2018 10:14 AM

Age UK Lindsey to receive financial boost from Lincolnshire Co-op

Age UK Lindsey is pleased to have been chosen to benefit from Lincolnshire Co-op's Community Champion scheme, raising money for groups that offer support to those facing financial hardship and who need advice. 

Lincolnshire Co-op’s Community and Education Co-ordinator Ben James said: It could be by tackling issues like debt and payday loans, encouraging safe borrowing or helping people access the money they’re entitled to – these groups help in all sorts of ways.”

“Debt and financial worry can affect anyone and the money advice and support services we’re raising funds for are way to help worried families,” added Ben.

“They are there when times get tough and can offer advice, expertise and affordable services.

“We hope that fundraising together we can recognise the work these groups do and enable them to help more people.”

Our Information and Advice service provides vital support to older people in the community, advising on financial issues, social care and pension-age benefits.  Last year we supported over 1900 older people to claim more than £6 million in unclaimed benefits.  The money raised by Lincolnshire Co-op will be invaluable in ensuring that we continue to provide a professional, caring service to clients in East Lindsey, West Lindsey and North Lincolnshire. 

Every time a member uses their dividend card in a Lincolnshire Co-op store, a donation will be made to the fund.  Fundraising by Lincolnshire Co-op's staff, and proceeds from carrier bag charges will also go into the pot.  The scheme runs until March, so there's plenty of time for you to show your support.

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