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What does a responder do?

Published on 09 July 2024 12:21 PM

Hi, my name is Louise, I'm a Responder for Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire and I love my job! If you've ever been curious about what a Responder does, keep reading... 

Part of our role is to respond to Stay Safe calls. These are calls where a client has pressed the button on their lifeline pendant, which then activates an alarm call to a call centre. This can be due to several reasons: the person may have fallen, they may not be feeling very well, or sometimes the lifeline button has been pressed and there is no response from the client.

It is extremely important that we attend these calls as soon as possible due to the emergency nature of the call. On a Stay Safe call, we usually enter the property using a key kept in a key safe. We introduce ourselves to the client and assess the situation. If the client has fallen but they're not injured, we will assist them to a standing position using a piece of equipment called a mangar. This is like an inflatable cushion and is a fantastic piece of equipment. We support the client into a comfortable position, ensuring they are safe. If the client has an injury or is any pain, we will contact 111 for advice or an ambulance. We never move a client who is in pain incase this may cause further injury. Where a client is feeling unwell, we may contact 111 for advice, ensuring the client is comfortable and supported.

Stay Safe calls where we receive no response from the client can happen for many reasons: such as the lifeline pendant being pressed by accident, or the client being in a different room or the garden and they can’t hear the call centre through their Telecare machine. In these instances, we visit the property to check if the client is okay. Throughout the visit we will inform the monitoring centre of the outcome and contact any next of kin if required. We will always ensure all clients are safe, secure and comfortable before we leave.

Being a responder is an extremely busy but very rewarding role. I feel I have been given an opportunity to make a real difference to someone’s life, offering care and support, along with promoting a sense of well-being and importance, ensuring the clients in our care feels valued and respected.