Information & Advice - Lewisham

- Location: Leemore Centre
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Lewisham & Southwark - Head Office's catchment area.
Please note: at present there is a high demand for our Information and Advice service. As a result, we have a waiting time of about 3 months, before we can arrange an appointment with an adviser. Please let us know if there are urgent issues that need addressing when getting in touch or referring someone to us.
We offer free, high-quality information and advice to older people, aiming to maximise independence through a wide range of support.
Providing older people with quality assured Information, Advice and Guidance across Lewisham
We decrease financial hardship, improve living conditions and support older people to ensure their rights are upheld. We can provide advice through home visits, office appointments and over the telephone.
What can we help with?
The topics below are the things we usually support clients with:
- Welfare Benefits – checking benefit entitlement; helping to make new or renewal applications; grant applications for clients on low incomes
- Housing – help with reporting disrepair and similar issues; advice on housing rights and options
- Social care – advice on options for arranging care; understanding and challenging financial assessments
We signpost and refer people to where they can get suitable support on legal matters, debt and immigration.
Who can we help?
Our services are open to people over 60 and living in the London Borough of Lewisham. We cannot advise on all issues so please see the list above for an idea of what we typically help with.
How can I get help?
You can access the service by contacting the Enquiry Line, which is operated by Citizens Advice Lewisham 0800 231 5453 or by downloading and returning the below referral form.
Information & Advice Lewisham Referral Form
Quality Mark
Our service provides free, confidential and non-judgemental advice in a person-centred way. We hold the Advice Quality Standard, which assures the quality and accuracy of the information and advice we provide.