A Partnership Offer
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark and its partners in the Consortium of Older People’s Services in Southwark (COPSINS) are pleased to announce the new Older People and Carers’ Hub for Southwark.
From 1st June 2020 the partnership will provide a new ‘front door’ service for older people (aged 60 or above) and their carers who are looking for support and who may benefit from being connected to the wide range of public and voluntary sector services available to them.
Anyone contacting any of the COPSINS partners – Age UK Lewisham and Southwark, Blackfriars Settlement, Link Age Southwark, Southwark Carers, Southwark Pensioners Centre or Time & Talents – will be able to access the same support regardless of which partner they first approach. These well-established organisations engage positively with the diverse population of Southwark and have bases spread across the borough where older people and their carers can get help to find and make use of the wide range of support available. The service will also work closely with Southwark Council’s Adult Social Care team and will provide support and advice to people who are eligible for Council services as well as those who are not.