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Ageing Well Southwark

Our Ageing Well Southwark service aims to improve physical and mental wellbeing, promoting healthier lifestyles whilst increasing social connections for both older people and their carers. From Yoga, Mens Sheds, Theatre trips, Cookery Clubs and IT classes there is something for everyone!

You can find a full list of activities provided by our Ageing Well Southwark partners on our AWS microsite here.



MYsocial is the social membership service open to all ages brought to you by Age UK Lewisham and Southwark. We have an online members’ calendar.  We hope you find things on there you want to come along to.  We are always open to suggestions, so if there is something you really want to do or a place you want to visit, why not let us know, and we will see what we can do!

Please note: our online calendar currently features activities and participatory events hosted in-person and online by others