Funders, supporters and partners
COPSINS – the Consortium of Older People’s Services in Southwark
Age UK Lewisham & Southwark is proud to be a member of COPSINS, the Consortium of Older People’s Services in Southwark. COPSINS was set up in 2012 to support older people in Southwark to access high quality services to support their independence and promote their well being. The partners in the consortium are all local charities:
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
Southwark Carers
Blackfriars Settlement
Link Age Southwark
Southwark Pensioners Centre
Time and Talents Association
Age UK L&S and our COPSINS partners provide the Ageing Well Southwark service, funded by Southwark Council. Find out more on the Ageing Well Southwark website.
COPSINS partners are working together to deliver high quality services that have the greatest possible positive impact on older people’s lives.
To find out more, call any of the COPSINS partners either directly, or call 0345 155 9033 / 0845 155 9033 and ask to be referred to one of us.
Other organisations
Click here for a full list of partners working with our Community Connections Lewisham service.