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Warm and Wise

  • Location: Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
  • Price: Free
Call 0116 261 4604 for more info

If you're worried about your rising energy bills and would like to be warmer and wise about your energy usage, we can help!

Our Warm and Wise service offers a free home energy check, information and advice to Leicestershire and Rutland residents over the age of 50, to help reduce your energy bills.

The service offers free information and advice which is tailored to you and your home. We can:

• Conduct a Home Energy Assessment - to see how you can save money on energy bills without compromising your warmth
• Provide in-depth energy advice that is tailored to your home
• Supply and fit free energy saving products to help save money on bills (eligibility criteria applies)
• Benefit checks to see if you are receiving all the money you are entitled to
• Provide information on applying for £150 Warm Home Discount
• Signpost you to help and advice about home improvement grants, for example getting money off a new boiler installation
• Provide simple practical tips and support to increase your home's energy efficiency.

Since May 2022, we've helped hundreds of people and those that responded to our survey found:

• 89% agreed that the support has helped to reduce their energy usage at home
• 71% said the service has helped them to use their heating system more efficiently
• 61% received help about how to access schemes offering financial support towards the costs of replacement boilers, insulation and draught proofing
• 71% feel warmer and that is has positively impacted their health
• 96% stated that they would recommend the Warm & Wise service to their family and friends

To book in for a free visit or for more information please contact us on:

Telephone: 0116 261 4604