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Rutland Carers Support Group

  • Location: St John & St Anne
  • Price: Free
Call 07738820910 for more info

St John & St Anne
South Street
LE15 6HD
United Kingdom

Our support group offers carers of older people suffering debilitating illness such as Alzheimer's or MS the chance to meet and mutually support each other.

Rutland Carers Support is a monthly social group offering a variety of speakers & outings which we hope will cater for all tastes.

Providing a morning away from caring responsibilities, we try to steer away from specific issues around caring. However, members always have the opportunity to share life & its ups & downs over a cup of tea.

The group meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 10.30am, in the community room at St. John & St. Anne's, South Street in Oakham (almost next door to Oakham Fire Station).