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Memory Advice Service

  • Location: Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
  • Price: Free
Call 01162 237363 for more info

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
Lansdowne House
113 Princess Road East
United Kingdom

The Memory Advice Service provides tailored information and support to those who are worried about their memory and their families and carers.

What help can I get for memory issues?

People can often feel worried or concerned if they fear their memory is not as good as it used to be but experiencing memory problems or forgetfulness can be a normal part of ageing. However, it is also important not to ignore any memory decline, especially if you feel it is starting to impact on your daily life. Getting information and advice early can enable people to get support as soon as possible and gives people time to think about important decisions they want to make about what support they may need in the future.

Our trained Memory Advisors offer information about some of the common causes of memory loss related to ageing and various health conditions. They can offer support about what next steps to take, which can include trying some memory strategies or making an appointment with the GP for a memory assessment.

How can the Memory Advice Service help?

Our Advisors will begin by listening to your concerns and will work with you to explore your strategies that will support you to live well with memory difficulties and focus on your strengths and maintaining independence.

We provide information and support related to memory matters and can make referrals to other organisations, where required, and with your consent. We offer information regarding:

Simple memory strategies to keep people safe, well and independent.
Support that can be accessed by your GP, health, social care & other local services.
Technology and memory aids that can make life a little easier at home and help keep people safe.
The service can also provide information and support on related topics such as:

A free benefits check to ensure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. Benefits can help to pay towards the cost of care and support, including disability benefits, carers allowance and income related benefits.

Planning ahead for the future, for example providing information about Lasting Power of Attorney
Many people who have spoken to our Memory Advisors tell us they felt reassured that someone has listened to their concerns and helped them to feel at ease about what support they may need going forward.

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)

The Memory Advice Service provides Cognitive Stimulation Therapy sessions which are designed to provide meaningful and stimulating group activities proven to help maintain memory and mental functioning. The groups provide a fun, supportive environment where people can build new friendships. Evidence based activities are used, including discussions, reminiscence, word games, quizzes, physical activities, creative and musical activities. CST is often run alongside a carers group to ensure that families of people with memory difficulties also have access to support.

Who can access the Memory Advice Service?

This service is ideal for people who have been referred to or are currently accessing the NHS Memory Assessment Service. This includes individuals who are waiting for an assessment, those who have been assessed and waiting for a diagnosis or those who have been diagnosed with a form of cognitive impairment that isn’t dementia, such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). The service is also suitable for people who are concerned about their memory but have not yet spoken to their GP or accessed a Memory Assessment Service. The service also supports individuals caring or supporting the person with memory difficulties.

Do I have Dementia?

People are referred to the Memory Assessment Service by their GP to explore the cause of their memory difficulties, including finding out whether they have dementia. Our Memory Advisors work closely with the NHS Memory Assessment Service; they can provide you information about what to expect at these appointments and look at what support you may wish to access in the meantime. If you are diagnosed with dementia by the Memory Assessment Service, you can continue to access further support from our Dementia Support Service.

How to contact the Memory Advice Service

People can access support as needed, whether it is your first contact with any services to discuss your concerns or you require some more advice from the service. Support can be provided over the phone, face to face or online.

People wishing to access this service must be over 18 years old, live in Leicester city or Leicestershire or be registered with a GP in Leicester City or Leicestershire.