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Melton Neighbourhood Mental Health Café

  • Location: Gloucester House
  • Price: Free
Call 01162237362 for more info

Gloucester House
3 Norman Way
Melton Mowbray
LE13 1JE
United Kingdom

Drop in support for times when you're struggling to cope

Set in the heart of Melton, the Neighbourhood Mental Health Café is a safe place to go if you are experiencing mental health issues where you will be listened to & supported.

Our trained Mental Health Workers offer coping techniques, practical support & access to additional mental health support, if required.

The Melton Neighbourhood Mental Health Café takes place Mondays 10am - 1pm and Thursdays 5pm - 8pm at Gloucester House, 3 Norman Way, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1JE

What is a Neighbourhood Mental Health Café?

Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafés offer local support for people who need immediate help with their mental health.

The cafés are drop-in centres for anyone to come and talk about their mental health in confidence - no appointment needed. They are run by partners on behalf of the NHS.

Supportive, trained staff are available to listen and provide the practical support you need.

If you need urgent mental health support, call the NHS's free 24/7 Mental Health Central Access Point on 0808 800 3302. Always call 999 if there is a physical threat to life.

For more information please contact our team on or call 0116 223 7362

Find a full list of Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafés across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland here