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Information and Advice

  • Location: Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
  • Price: Free
Call 01162 992278 for more info

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
Lansdowne House
113 Princess Road East
United Kingdom

We provide free, independent and confidential information and advice to people over 50.

Our trained advisors provide free, independent & confidential information & advice on a range of topics relating to later life.

We can help you with:

• Welfare benefits
• Housing & property
• Money matters (not financial advice)
• Residential care
• Health & care needs
• Accessing services & support
• Family & personal matters

Our team of experienced & knowledgeable staff can provide you with information & advice & tell you about sources of help local to you.

If you need a greater level of support, they can get involved to help resolve an issue on your behalf & they can help you with form filling.

Family & carers are welcome to call for advice relating to a friend or relative.

Statement of Service

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland has been providing services locally for seventy years. The organisation offers a wide range of services that are designed to enable older people and their carers to live as independently as possible and enjoy a good quality of life.

The organisation exists to promote the well-being of all older people, over the age of fifty years, by helping to make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience and we are committed to ensuring they maintain their dignity and recognise their value as individuals.

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland raises awareness of its work with people over the age of 50, throughout the City of Leicester and counties of Leicestershire and Rutland, with a view to engaging them in its activities, both as supporters and participants in, the provision of services and the development of its resources. The organisation provides support for the most vulnerable, older members of the community, considering the changing nature of the population. It also addresses the diverse aspirations, expectations and needs of older people and campaigns on their behalf. It works to influence policy makers in the locality on relevant issues.