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Dementia Support Service - Leicester & Leicestershire

  • Location: Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
  • Price: Free
Call 01162 237363 for more info

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
Lansdowne House
113 Princess Road East
United Kingdom

Our dementia support services offer those living with dementia and their carers.

Personalised One-to-One Support

• Provides tailored information and advice as required, to support people living with dementia and their carers throughout their dementia journey.
• Support can be provided face to face in people’s homes or at a Dementia Support Clinic, over the telephone or online.
• Supports people to explore strategies enabling them to live well with dementia by focusing on their strengths and abilities.
• Provides short term emotional support.
• Supports people to access other health, social care and community services.

Post Diagnostic Information Sessions

A mixture of online and face to face sessions are delivered every week, providing people a range of information to help them understand more about dementia, learn strategies to support them to manage dementia symptoms, receive key information about planning ahead and local services they may wish to access

Benefits Advice

The service has a dedicated Information and Advice Worker, to support people to apply for benefits, maximise their income and plan for the future.

Memory Cafes and Social Groups

The service facilitates Memory Cafes, Social groups, Peer Groups, and activities such as walking, gardening and trips out.

Click here to view our Dementia Support Groups leaflet

Informal Carer Learning

Informal Carer Learning enables families/informal carers to support individuals living with dementia and help ensure that they can lead as full and active a life as possible. Carers will gain the knowledge and skills they may need to continue in their caring role.

Topics include:
• Understanding dementia
• Strategies to support the person living with dementia
• Managing money
• Support available
• Planning for the future
• Looking after yourself

The service also runs ad hoc sessions on other topics including:
• First Aid
• Mindfulness
• Moving & Handling

Click here to view our Carer Learning leaflet

For more information call our Dementia Support team on 0116 223 7363 or email